
  • Georgi Thompson Leask

    Today’s podcast is brought to us by Georgi Thompson Leask – Christian Stewardship Advisor. Reflecting on personal stories of generosity.

    Georgi Thompson Leask – Podcast – GJ 24
    Today’s Speaker

    Georgi Thompson Leask

  • Gary Watson

    Today’s podcast is brought to us by Gary Watson – Southern Regional Giving Advisor. Reflecting on personal stories of generosity.

    Gary Watson – Podcast – GJ 24
    Today’s Speaker

    Gary Watson

  • Revd Katie Hodkinson

    Today’s podcast is brought to us by Revd Katie Hodkinson – Assistant Curate, St Andrew’s Charminster. Reflecting on personal stories of generosity.

    Katie Hodkinson – Podcast – GJ 24
    Today’s Speaker

    Revd Katie Hodkinson

  • Sam Scott

    Today’s podcast is brought to us by Sam Scott – Diocesan Environment Officer. Reflecting on personal stories of generosity.

    Sam Scott – Podcast – GJ 24
    Today’s Speaker

    Sam Scott

  • Revd Jonathan Rowe

    Today’s podcast is brought to us by Revd Jonathan Rowe – Rector St Matthew’s and St Paul’s Winchester. Reflecting on personal stories of generosity.

    Jonathan Rowe – Podcast – GJ 24
    Today’s Speaker

    Revd Jonathan Rowe

We tasked our five podcasters to reflect on a time when they had been the recipient of great generosity. We asked them, how did it make you feel? What was your response, did it change or grow your faith? What did you learn? Why was it significant to you? We hope that the power of their testimony will bless and encourage you.

Alternatively, you can find these on your favourite podcasting app or if you prefer, you can read all the reflections now in our Reflection Booklet over on our resources page.